Zero Energy Buildings
Buildings / Residences in Smart Cities
Session background and objectives
Smart city is a future city concept based on advanced energy and ICT infrastructure, through optimizing energy use, public service, security, transportation etc.
In ICEF conference, focusing on energy usage of buildings and houses in smart cities, we will share the information on advanced technologies, such as the Internet of Things and building energy saving technologies, and discuss future visions of energy supply and demand of buildings and houses in Smart Cities in coming several decades. We will also introduce the draft ICEF roadmap of ZEB/ZEH, net Zero Energy Building/House.
Alan Meier
CV View and Download PresentationSenior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Shin-ichi Tanabe
CV View and Download PresentationProfessor, Ph.D. Department of Architecture, Waseda University
Definitions of Zero Energy Building and Housing (ZEB/ZEH) are defined by the government (METI 2015). A ZEB is a building with considerably reduced annual energy consumption by saving as much energy as possible via better thermal insulation, solar shading, natural ventilation and high-efficiency equipment as well as renewable energy like photovoltaic power generation, while maintaining comfortable indoor environments. The ZEB is receiving a lot of attention in Japan. ZEB family consists three categories of ZEB Ready, nearly ZEB and ZEB. Recent trends for energy labeling system and ZEB/ZEH are discussed.
Patrick Quinton
CVView and Download PresentationPresident, Civic Innovation NW, LLC
Impact of Public Policy on Sustainable Building Development
Portland, Oregon is widely recognized as a leader in sustainability and green building. This leadership results from 40 years of activist public policy and investment which changed citizen behaviors, private sector decisions and market dynamics. As a result, Portland has generated significant job growth while reducing carbon emissions below 1990 levels. Cities like Portland must accommodate the next wave of growth due to changing demographics and migration of people and jobs to climate ready cities. Future development will emphasize density, affordability and resiliency, creating a safe city that is welcome to all.
Atsushi Kurosawa
CVView and Download PresentationDirector, Global Environment Program Research and Development Division, The Institute of Applied Energy
ZEB/ZEH roadmap
Net zero energy concept was proposed as comprehensive energy conservation measure in building sector, called ZEB (net zero energy building) and ZEH (net zero energy house). Its implementation needs technology integration of building envelope, energy efficient equipment, renewable energy integration and building energy management. Policy aspects such as energy saving requirement and/or performance labelling embedded in building code is essential to promote ZEB/ZEH diffusion to the market. Technological and institutional issues as well as climate condition differences among global regions are discussed. Draft ZEB/ZEH roadmap will be summarized and presented.
1. Visions for improving building energy saving and integration of renewable energies
- Buildings are requested for reducing energy consumption by technologies and institutions. However, many barriers exists. What kind of breakthrough technologies are needed?
- What kind of buildings/equipment technologies should be improved to meet the needs of Smart City realization?
2. ICEF technology roadmap for ZEB/ZEH
- Technologies can be adopted for ZEB/ZEH are various. Some of them would be generic, but others could be adapted to local climate and/or urban design. What are the focus points to settle technology roadmap?
- What are the points to diffuse innovative technologies to the world, for example, institutions (standardization, national/local governments policies, investment to R&D)?