ICEF2015 Thematic Discussion

Iron and Steel

Posted by ICEF August 27, 2023 Online Discussion Secretary

Iron and steel industry is one of the most energy-intensive industries and therefore holds a large greenhouse gas reduction potential. In this session, past and current energy conservation and CO2 reduction measures of this industry will be shared, and based on this, possible actions for this industry and necessary support and policy measures to promote further CO2 reduction from 2020 will be discussed. In addition, the iron and steel industries’ possible global warming prevention contribution in other industries will be pointed out.


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Edwin Basson, Director General, World Steel Association

ENERGY and CO2 reduction in the steel industry

The steel industry is both CO2 and energy intensive.  The high level of competition and focus on efficiency, support a process of continuous reduction in energy use in the industry.  Depending on the steelmaking technology used, reducing CO2 emissions substantially becomes more difficult, but internal benchmarking results indicate that some improvement is still possible.  However, with present technology, the industry will find it difficult to ensure CO2 reduction to the levels indicated by a future carbon neutral requirement.  Owing to the vital role that steel plays in so many applications in modern society, it is important to focus on the energy and CO2 impact of complete product value chains in the future.  In this way, the incentive to focus on products that reduce energy and CO2 emissions is increased and, while it may not reduce emissions from the steel industry, it will still contribute to lower emission levels in society overall.  The metric of life cycle assessment (LCA) in the context of the circular economy is important in this regard.



Hiroshi Tomono, Senior Advisor, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation

Steel, made principally of iron, is an indispensable material for a sustainable society. Iron resources are abundant and steel is superior in strength, rigidity, and workability, and can be eternally recycled. Japan’s steel industry is making use of this unparalleled superiority of steel, and is contributing to reduction in global environmental burden through the “Three Ecos and Innovative Technology Development.”
First, “Eco Process.” We continue to develop and apply our technologies, such as for using by-product energy and waste heat, and to promote further energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction in our own operations.
Second, “Eco Products.” We strive to develop products and help reduce CO2 emissions when they are put to use. These products include high-tensile-strength steel, which is essential for vehicle weight reduction, high-functional steel for next-generation automobiles, and advanced materials, which will support society when it begins widespread use of hydrogen.
Third, “Eco Solution.” We share our advanced energy conservation technologies within the global steel sector and are committed to reduce CO2 emissions across national borders.
Add to these Three Ecos, “Innovative Technological Development.” We undertake efforts to reduce CO2 emissions through steelmaking process innovations, which include use of hydrogen in the reduction process and improvement in continuous manufacturing processes.


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